Guðmundur Arason is a famous Bishop from our shared Icelandic story. He was very generous with the Church’s holdings. Many poor people came to Hólar seeking Guðmundur’s charity.
Guðmundur blessed many places all over Iceland but he always left small areas so the evil would have a place to live. He blessed water, ponds, wells, and many places around Iceland. The water supply for Reykjavík even comes from one of the wells that Guðmundur blessed.
The local chieftains became very angry with Guðmundur and his “over-generosity.” He had many disputes with the local chieftains through his years as a bishop.
Because of his ongoing battles with the chieftains, Guðmundur was forced to take exile at Málmey. Several of his followers killed the leader of his persecutors at Hólar and battles ensued.
Guðmundur was very kind and generous. The people all around Iceland considered him a national saint. Today on the anniversary of his death, we remember Guðmundur the Good.