I met so many interesting and wonderful people through the International Visits Program tour all around Iceland. Each presentation was better than I could have ever imagined before setting off on this big adventure.
I do not have all the links to interviews and newspaper articles but wanted to put them as many as possible into one post.
Here are the Morgunblaðið articles: 2012-08-17 Morgunblaðið and Morgunblaðið Sunna Pam Furstenau (here in English) by Iceland Review Online.
The US Ambassador attended the INL of Iceland Convention in Akureyri and had nice comments on his blog.
I had LOTS of help from Halldór, Almar, and Ásta Sól of the Þjóðræknisfélag Íslendinga and HERE, too... :)
The radio interview by Gunna Dís og Andri on Virkir morgnar RÚV. starts at the very end of this broadcast at the 167-minute mark and goes until the end of this program.
The TV interview by Channel 4 in Akureyri and lots of different posts like this.
Thanks, Egilsstaðir and Vopnafjörður for wonderful visits and article. advertisement and another from the Menningarnótt.
A nice article in the - Frétt from Ísafjörður and the Háskólasetur Vestfjarða and many local papers carried the schedule and an article about the upcoming presentation like here in the Skagafjörður and another from Stykkishólmur.
Thanks for the article in the Lögberg-Heimskringla newspaper and in the local Cavalier Chronicle.
My hometown Icelandic Club´s newsletter HERE and the Fargo-Moorhead Icelandic Klub article, too.
Lots of great support from the Facebook pages:
Icelandic National League of North America Þjóðræknisfélag Íslendinga (Icelandic National League of Iceland)
Lögberg-Heimskringla Icelandic newspaper FB page
I am disappointed in the ''LIVE'' interviews because I can see the nervousness and stress with my voice and actions. UGGH. I suppose that I need to give myself a break about it --- that is not my job and it is something very new to me.
However, I thank each and every one of the TV, Radio, Newspaper, and others.