Translation Services*
Icelandic Roots offers quality Icelandic to English translation services to members for a reasonable fee (please contact us regarding English to Icelandic translation).
This service is only available to Full Annual, Quarterly and Samkoma members. The cost is based on the number of words in the document: $0.15 /word for the first 500 words, $0.13 / word after the first 500 words. These per-word fees represent our baseline cost. Additional fees may apply depending on the nature of the text. For instance, a handwritten text that must be transcribed or a historical text that requires research would incur additional fees calculated at $25/hour.
As an example, consider a simple 500-word text (approx. one full page of typed text with 1.5 spacing). A translation of this text would cost $75, calculated from the per-word base fee. However, a 500-word handwritten letter from the 19th century may cost a bit more. Let's say transcribing the letter and doing some background research necessary for the translation task takes the translator 1.5 hours. In that case, an additional fee would be added to the per-word cost for a total of $115.
Do you have an old handwritten letter tucked away in a drawer? Did you run across a newspaper article about your ancestors? If you have Icelandic texts but aren't quite sure of the content, you may not be prepared to pay for a professional translation. For small amounts of text you might try or, although both have limitations.
You could also consider our paraphrasing services. One of our translators will read over the text and provide you with an overview. Fee for this member service is $25 per hour - one hour minimum. Summaries of reasonably short texts (up to approximately 4000 words) rarely take more than a couple hours of work.
Please note
The translator will consider each text individually, evaluate the need for transcription or relevant research and send the member a final estimate. We will not start work until we receive your approval.
For a personalized estimate, please Email:
with Attn: Translation Services in the subject line
* All fees are quoted in US dollars