In our lives, we have misfortunes and we have blessings. We cannot be spared disappointments and difficulties in life. Five weeks ago, I was admitted to the hospital for Viral Meningeoencephalitis (a severe brain infection). It was very scary - especially since three months earlier, my 48-yr-old baby sister was hospitalized for brain strokes! We are both doing great but both still recovering. I am so thankful for brains that are recovering and so very thankful for our middle sister and our husbands who stayed by our sides.
My husband is my hero. He has been doing all the grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, errands, etc. and taking such good care of everything - in addition to running his construction company. What a huge blessing to have wonderful people in our lives.

New Year's Eve in Iceland
My motto has always been, "Be a Blessing." Now, there are many people being a blessing to me. It is overwhelming to have so many people send positive messages, cards, and flowers. I am usually on the giving side -- not the receiving side. The support of family and friends has been amazing!
I am supposed to stay home, get rest, and stay away from germs. The hardest part is staying away from our four grandchildren. They do not understand why Amma cannot play and have sleepovers. I am so thankful for healing and look forward to playing with the babies again.
Today is my Dad's 79th birthday. I went to Mom and Dad's house for a visit and they are both feeling fine. It was a good visit for all of us. They both have chronic health issues. I am thankful they are here to celebrate birthdays and to have good visits.

A sudden illness like a stroke, an accident, cancer, or in my case - a severe brain infection - is horrible. Even though life brings misfortunes, life also gives us many blessings.
Getting the brain infection and being stuck at home has been a misfortune. Having a good project to work on is a blessing. Working on the Icelandic Genealogy database brings me a lot of joy. I am productive and can help so many people find their ancestors, their cousins, and learn more about their Icelandic story. Working on the database is wonderful and I am thankful that Hálfdan chose me to continue his life-work . Connecting people with their ancestors and with their living cousins of today is an important job.
My Icelandic roots come from my Dad. Today, I finish this post wishing him once again -- a very Happy Birthday (Til hamingju með afmælið) and best wishes for a wonderful year to come.
Let us not count our misfortunes in life. Instead, let us count our many blessings.