Would you like to watch Iceland's fireworks live via WebCam?
check out this link: http://www.livefromiceland.is/webcams/new-years/
Below is a post from last year when we had a fabulous time in Reykjavík for New Year's. I am just reminiscing and will be watching the fireworks online this year. Happy New Year to all our friends and family wherever you may live. May 2015 be full of love, happiness, and blessings.
2014 New Year's:
I'm here in Iceland for New Year's! Hubby gave me this trip as a "bucket-list" gift for Christmas. He is actually here with me this time, too. This makes the time in Iceland even more special.
Would you like to watch the fireworks in Iceland via WebCamThey say that over 200,000 people celebrate in Reykjavík on New Year's Eve with an unforgettable fireworks display! Fireworks are mainly sold to raise funds to help the Icelandic Search and Rescue volunteer association.
We have watched the epic fireworks online where people 'blow up the New Year' for many years and each year, we say, "we need to go there for New Year's sometime!"
Our plans are to start the evening with a dinner served at our hotel. Then, as part of this "package," we then travel by bus to a local bonfire called a "brenna."
About 10:30 pm, Icelanders typically watch a TV show, Áramótaskaup, a comedy show on the year's most humorous moments. I do not know what we are doing during this hour. After the comedy show, about 500 tons of fireworks are set off in the Capital area by the people. That sounds so crazy!!! We then travel back to the hotel by the bus for an after-party. We usually go to bed pretty early so hopefully we can stay up to enjoy the festivities.
Icelandic folklore tells us that some magic happens on New Year's Eve (or some say on Jan. 06.) The cows can speak in human language, seals become humans, and elves can move from one house to the next, so Icelanders leave lights or candles for them to find their way.
Out Best wishes and blessings to you and your loved ones for a Very Happy New Year!