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Icelandic Genealogy Database Quickly Expanding

Updated: Jul 26, 2021

I am not sure if it is the horrible weather we are experiencing in Iceland and in North America or the wonderful enthusiasm we have for our Icelandic Genealogy and History because the Icelandic Roots Database has exploded with new information this winter from our group of talented genealogists. In the past 15 months, we have added so many new and interesting features plus mountains of information.

It is so exciting to see more and more connections made every day, to see the new documents, histories, biographies, and family stories being preserved in a fun and interactive environment.

You can see on a map where your ancestral farm is located in Iceland and with the interactive map you can see locations in Iceland, Canada, the USA, and anywhere that people of Icelandic descent live or have lived. Three of our main genealogists who live in Iceland have been busy connecting the exact farm locations associated with each place-name in Iceland. What a treasure trove of information you will find at this site. You can use the + and - to zoom in or out to see the exact locations (see the 2nd photo below).

Event Map

The photo below is half-way zoomed in. You can even zoom in further on the map to see more details. It is awesome to see where they lived.

Iceland Farm Map View

There are also photos, videos, cemeteries, and everyone is having a fabulous time playing around with the "Famous Ancestors" report and the "Relationship Calculator." The online site is so much more than names and dates.

As of today, there are 548,000 people in the database!

You can read the "Drowned" report, "Emigration" report, and find all sorts of information under the "Advanced Search" feature. Read and Listen to the History of Icelanders that emigrated to North America along with many other interesting histories available online at the site. Put your name and the names of your ancestors on the "Timeline" to see what interesting events were happening in Icelandic History.

If you would like to join in the fun and get connected, check out our site and become a member today!

Email us your questions or join the conversation on our Facebook Group.


The Icelandic Roots Community is a non-profit, educational heritage organization specializing in the genealogy, history, culture, and traditions of our Icelandic ancestors. We provide seminars, webinars, blogs, podcasts, workshops, social media, Samtal Hours, Book Club, New Member Training, a dedicated Icelandic Genealogy Database with live help for you, and much more. Our mailing address is in Fargo, ND but our volunteers and our philanthropy is spread across Canada, Iceland, and the USA. See our heritage grants and scholarships pages for more information and how to apply for a grant or scholarship.

Icelandic Roots
4715 Woodhaven St. S., Fargo, ND  58103 USA

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