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New Icelandic Roots Database Training Class Offered in January

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

Start your new year on the right foot by honing your Icelandic Roots database user


Whether you just joined Icelandic Roots as a new member, or you’ve been

navigating the database for some time, Dave Jonasson’s January class will guide

you from the basics of signing on to the database, to exploring your personal page

to probing deep “under the hood,” to ensure you can take advantage of the ever-

growing features of the database.

The course is delivered over four Saturday sessions in January with plenty of time

set aside for participants to ask questions and gain confidence in their skills. Each

session builds on skills developed in previous sessions. Dave has taught the course

several times over the years and applies his vast computer knowledge to make

sure the database is accessible and understandable to everyone from the casual

computer user to the expert.

Dave said he will “cover most of the database transactions,” which will provide

class members with a solid knowledge base. He said he has received positive feedback from the previous sessions. “We are told that almost all attendees come away with a better understanding of how to use the database and interpret the information that is there.” Dave added, “Even experienced members say that they did not know what they did not know!”

If you are interested in taking full advantage of our database features, please

consider attending these 4 sessions starting on Saturday, January 8.

Saturday, January 8 Saturday, January 15 Saturday, January 22 Saturday, January 29


Session times are 8 am Pacific, 9 am Mountain, 10 am Central, 11 am Eastern and

4 pm in Iceland. A sign-up email was sent December 31st to all Icelandic Roots Members. If you are a member and have not received it, please contact us.

View the calendar for more information on upcoming events.

Email us your questions or join the conversation on our Facebook Group.

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