Dear friends,
A wonderful team in Iceland has been collaborating on a very important project. Their plan is to produce a documentary that focuses on the experiences of children from the 1855-1915 emigration period. Each person on the team is volunteering their time and talents.
The goal is to teach modern day children and young adults the history of Iceland during these year and have them understand the personal stories of heartache and triumph. This documentary will show how even today, the descendants of the immigrants in North America and those who live in Iceland are keeping the stories alive and connections strong.
The IR Documentary Team wants to gather special stories of children and young adolescents who went to North America and those who were left behind in Iceland. Questions to consider in the story:
What was it like to be a child who left for America and about their life in America?
What was it like to be a child left in Iceland and to grow up here?
What did they think about their new environment in America or with different family members here in Iceland?
How did they feel? Did they have any new fears?
What was fun? Were there any games? What were new games in America?
Did they feel different than when they were in Iceland? Did the family stay in touch with those left behind in Iceland?
What are examples of very children with extreme poverty in Iceland who were able to rise up through education or working hard in North America?
Are there any letters or writings from the children (as a child or as an adult) that exist today?

The focus will be on the voice of the child. The documentary stories will include a variety of experiences and all submissions are important. Those not included in the documentary will be preserved as part of the Children’s Stories and will be made into Podcasts, which will be published online by the Icelandic Roots team and also joined to that person in the database. What we need from you:
Stories that fit this request
A Shared Interest – have you heard or read about an interesting story? Can you tell others about this project?
Please remember to send stories, questions, and comments to the IR Children's Stories Documentary.
Thank you so very much,