Icelanders celebrate Christmas with books. So much so that there is a word for the holiday book buying season: Jólabókaflóð or Christmas Book Flood. Each year every household receives an extensive catalogue listing all the books published in the past year, including everything from children’s books to cookbooks to scientific books to the latest fiction and poetry. This provides people with endless Christmas gift ideas!
While it would be near impossible to replicate such a catalogue for North America, since there are so many different publishing houses of all sizes in the USA and Canada, in addition to the ease and popularity of self-publishing, we have made an attempt to do something similar for you this year. Inside our book guide are books published by some of our members as well as some of our favourite books including classics as well as new releases.
The goal was to include books that are readily available for purchase right now. Books that we love that are hard to find except in rare book sales or used book stores did not make this list. But we may release a list in the future for those of you that love a good book hunt!
This years contributors are:
Allen Bingham, USA - Genealogist
Elin de Ruyter, Australia / Iceland - Genealogist and Social Media Team
Larry Thorderson, USA - Translations
Judy Dickson, Canada - Social Media Team
Natalie Guttormsson, Canada - Social Media Team
Randy Johnson, Canada - Social Media Team
Sunna Furstenau, USA - Founder of Icelandic Roots
Þórdís Edda Guðjónsdóttir, Iceland - Librarian and Social Media Team
Happy Reading!
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