The Icelandic Roots Writers Group used the theme of L'Anse aux Meadows for their May writing assignment.
By Brian Bjorgford
“It is too small,” he said. Optimistic and bold. “We must build more. We are now five, but

so many more to come. The boys will soon take wives and will need room for their growing families. Our flock of sheep will double, and we will build more pens—many pens. More horses and some cows. None of us will ever board the boats again—we can buy our fish at the market like the wealthy, rather than share our catch with the captain. One more big haul and we can begin our future, which starts today.” His vivid dreams inspired us all.
The sky hung low with a grey ceiling, but the world shone bright like his straw-coloured hair, as Einar guided our three sons to the rocky shore and pushed into the frothy waves for the last big catch. Breaking all the rules, my four men together, rowed towards the thin horizon, behind which lurked a blackness. A blackness that would vanquish the pre-launch brightness.
I tasted the salt spray on my lips, bringing thoughts of the cured sea creatures we would eat at our evening meal when the sun would fall below the mountain. But I dined alone.
Now it is too large—too many empty rooms. Now the soft walls echo with my slow footsteps. The haunting shuffle of a lonely, childless widow.