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Write Your Family Story

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

Coming fall 2022 - Icelandic Roots Members Only Writing Seminars

We believe your life story is important and deserves to be written down as a legacy. Come to our three-part series with the Icelandic Roots Writing Team to learn how to get started.

What If Writing Seminar - September 28th, 7 pm Central

Our Icelandic heritage provides us with all kinds of ‘what if’ questions to answer in a wide variety of possible genres, from memoirs and non-fiction to fiction (children’s and young adult, fantasy, science fiction, historical, romance, and mystery.)

Any of these might be a story you want to write, but you don’t know how to start. “What if…?” a writing seminar for Icelandic Roots members, might be what you are looking for.

The seminar will be led by Icelandic Roots volunteer Sharron Arksey, who co-leads the Icelandic Roots Writers' Group along with fellow volunteer Alfreda Erickson Duffy.

Becoming an Icelandic Roots Sleuth - October 11th, noon Central

Join Sunna in a ‘Tuesday Tips’ seminar to discover various tools to find your family story. We will discuss not only the Icelandic Roots Database and oodles of information found ‘hiding in plain sight’ but also other resources and special tips for researching your family.

So You Want to Write a Memoir - November 16th, 7 pm Central.

The last in the three-part series, this webinar builds upon the knowledge learned in What If (September 28) and Becoming an Icelandic Roots Sleuth (October 11). A panel of Icelandic Roots Writers’ Group members will guide participants through steps in the process of writing a memoir.

Email us your questions or join the conversation on our Facebook Group.


The Icelandic Roots Community is a non-profit, educational heritage organization specializing in the genealogy, history, culture, and traditions of our Icelandic ancestors. We provide seminars, webinars, blogs, podcasts, workshops, social media, Samtal Hours, Book Club, New Member Training, a dedicated Icelandic Genealogy Database with live help for you, and much more. Our mailing address is in Fargo, ND but our volunteers and our philanthropy is spread across Canada, Iceland, and the USA. See our heritage grants and scholarships pages for more information and how to apply for a grant or scholarship.

Icelandic Roots
4715 Woodhaven St. S., Fargo, ND  58103 USA

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