Guest Blog Post by Gail Einarson-McCleery, Toronto, Ontario Article also in the Lögberg-Heimskringla newspaper, May 2014
We are now looking for relatives in North America for the Snorri West 2014 participants. They will visit Washington, DC; Toronto, Ottawa; L’Anse aux Meadows and Halifax. June 13 to July 12.
They are:
Signý Æsa Káradóttir Signy, age 19, is an undergraduate in the IB program at Hamrahlíð College. Her main interests are drawing and singing, classical and contemporary concerts (she is part of the Hamrahlið Choir), as well as volunteering with Amnesty International. While in N.A., she hopes to learn more while connecting with people. She is already in touch with her maternal relatives in Ottawa. On her father’s side she does not know of any relatives; her great-grandparents include Skarphéðin Eiðsson and Þorbjörg Jónsdottir.
Kristján Sævald Pétursson Kristján, age 26, is in second year at U. of Iceland and has an AP degree from the Nordic Multimedia Academy in Denmark. He is a film maker; we hope to get sponsorship for him to produce a video of this program. Interests include movies, history, world politics and languages. He has always wanted to go on this program and see with his own eyes what it was like for the Icelanders in N.A. His second cousin, Anna Adkinson, lives in Houston, Texas. He also has aunts, daughters of his great-aunt, Helga, who moved to the U.S.A. His great-grandparents include Kristján Tryggason and Margrét Finnbjörnsdóttir; Salóme Rannveig Gunnarsdóttir and Hermann Hermannsson; Guðmundur Sveinn Þorkelsson and Jóna Egilsdóttir; Guðjón Steingrímsson and Kristín Halla Sæmundsdóttir.
Anna Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir Anna, age 20, is completing her last semester in the Department of Natural Sciences at Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti. After that she plans to take a degree in Art. Her hobbies include singing in a band, writing, drawing, volunteering for the Red Cross, and helping others to learn Icelandic. She would like to learn more about her relatives in N.A. and visit historical places. Her great-great-great-grandmother’s sibling’s son, Björn Walker Sæmundsson Lindal, moved to Lundar in 1878. A descendant, Pamela Lindal Hansum, and daughter Emily Hansum live in Denver, Colorado. Another descendant is Kaley Boyd. Great-great-grandparents include Valdís Sæmundsdóttir and Guðbrand Björnsson.
Hilmar Páll Hannesson Hilmar, age 20, is currently finishing his fourth year at Hamrahlið College (Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð). He loves music and plays piano and trumpet. Other interests include sailing, languages, politics and community matters. He has collaborated with his friends to create a new political group. His twin sister, Hulda Lilja, came to N.A on last year’s program, and her great stories prompted him to want to come and create his own stories. His great-aunt, Erna Sigurpálsdóttir Noel, moved to Akron, Ohio, and his great-great-grandfathers brother Þorgeir Jónsson emigrated to Canada. Great-great-grandparents include Jóna Sigriður Bjarnadóttir and Hannes Valgarður Gudmundsson.
Please comment on this blog post or email or if you know of any relatives of these young people. To learn more about Snorri West, go to the WEBSITE.