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2016 INLNA Programs Survey – Charitable Status

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

The Icelandic National League of North America at is working on attaining charitable status. As part of the work, they need each of the 28 member organizations to fill out a Program Survey explaining what they do as an organization in the way of Charity and Donations. With this information, the INLNA Charitable Status application will be more complete. If you want to join as an individual member or as an organization, click here for more information:

Icelandic Roots is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and proud to be an Associate Member of the INLNA. Below are the main charitable works and donations provided by just us — Icelandic Roots.

#1) Program Name: ‘Cousins Across the Ocean’ project

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: the Cousins Across the Ocean project is administered through Icelandic Roots both online and through communication with our individual members. Besides our members, others also benefit when our Cousins Program identifies a connection between their living cousins.

Through this program, members and other individuals can share family stories, photos, history, and information to increase their knowledge of Icelandic and North American history.

Estimated Cost: this project is an ongoing feature of the Icelandic Roots Database and costs are built into their membership fee. An estimated $50 per member is appropriate as this is our minimum one-month fee and is covered by memberships.

#2) Program Name: Icelandic Language Studies at the University of Iceland / Arni Magnússon Institute

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: Each year, Icelandic Roots accepts applications for an Icelandic Language Scholarship. These students study at the University of Iceland or the Árni Magnússon Institute with the expressed purpose of learning the Icelandic language.

Estimated Cost: $1,000 a year.

#3) Program Name: Snorri Program Scholarships

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: Each year, Icelandic Roots accepts applications for Snorri Scholarships. These students study and experience Iceland through

Estimated Cost: $8,000 a year for the Snorri Program Scholarships. Other donations to the Snorri Program are for Educational Purposes – Icelandic Language Teacher and Historians plus a new feature of 18 memberships to the IR Database during their stay in Iceland est. $900 for a total of $8,900 per year.

#4) Program Name: Snorri West Program in North America

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: Each year, Icelandic Roots assists the INLNA in finding cousins for the Snorri West participants. These students study and experience Iceland and North America at for Snorri West. Memberships cost $180 each but are given to each of the 4 participants for free. Host families also have been given free access to the database as a donation – about 4 additional per year.

Estimated Cost: $180 x 8 memberships is $1,440 a year.

#5) Program Name: Icelandic Language Studies for youth at the Gimli, Manitoba Icelandic Camp

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: Each year, Icelandic Roots accepts 4 applications for the Icelandic Language Camp at Gimli, Manitoba for youth ages 8-15 with the expressed purpose of learning the Icelandic language, history, and learning about their culture and heritage at the camp.

Estimated Cost: $1,000 a year for 4 – $250 scholarships.

#6) Program Name: Icelandic Roots Database / Iceland Ancestry

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: the online Iceland Genealogy, History, and Geography database is located at .

Through this online site, members can increase their knowledge of Icelandic and North American history through many features and available resources which are part of their membership package.

Estimated Cost: the website costs about $5,000 a year for backups, server space, IT, software, plugins, domain name, and security.

#7) Program Name: August the Deuce Genealogy Center

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: the August the Deuce Genealogy Center is Education based and is administered through Icelandic Roots during the annual August the Deuce Heritage Celebration in Mountain, North Dakota. During the 3 days, several of our volunteer genealogists help people with their genealogy, Cousins Requests, History, etc.

Through this program, visitors from Canada, Iceland, and USA can gain access to the Icelandic Roots Database for free. They can ask the genealogists questions and get assistance. They can learn more about their Icelandic and North American history.

Estimated Cost: The genealogists providing the service mostly cover their own costs but IR contributes for some of their expenses. The weekend costs the Icelandic Roots organization about $600 for 4 genealogists.

#8) Program Name: Icelandic Roots Educational Seminars and Presentations

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: Education based seminars and presentations are given during the year when requested. The seminar includes information on how people can use the database to find their history.

Through this program, visitors from Canada, Iceland, and USA can gain access to the Icelandic Roots Database for free. They can ask the genealogists questions and get assistance. They can learn more about their Icelandic and North American history by using the comprehensive database.

Estimated Cost: The genealogists providing the service mostly cover their own costs. The cost is variable.

#9) Program Name: Icelandic Roots Newsletter and Blog

Existing or Proposed: Existing

Description: Education based newsletter and blog at frequent intervals throughout the year. The posts cover language, history, culture, and more information about people, places, and stories.

Estimated Cost: The writers contribute their work for free. The website costs about $1,500 per year.

#10) Program Name: K. N. Julius Monument Project

Existing or Proposed: Existing – not paid yet

Description: the K.N. project is in cooperation with the Icelandic National League in Iceland. We have hired an artist to sculpt a replica copy of the K.N. Julius relief found on his monument in Thingvalla, North Dakota. K.N. was a very famous and beloved poet both in Iceland and in North America.

Estimated Cost: The relief will cost about $4,500 and will be shared between 3 nonprofit organizations in North Dakota – Icelandic Communities Association, Thingvalla Cemetery Association, and Icelandic Roots. IR part will be about $1,500. In the summer of 2017, we will fly the piece to Iceland where a replica monument will be built in the city of his birth in northern Iceland.

List all organizations or groups to which you provide donations.

  1. Snorri Program (Iceland)

  2. Snorri West, IVP programs of (INLNA)

  3. Lögberg-Heimskringla – Canada

  4. Icelandic National League of North America – INLNA

  5. University of Iceland (Iceland)

  6. Gimli Icelandic Camp (Manitoba)

  7. Icelandic Communities Association (North Dakota)

  8. August the Deuce (North Dakota)

  9. Íslendingadagurinn (Manitoba)

  10. Icelandic National League of Iceland (Iceland)

  11. Other initiatives and requests are also allowed

Email us your questions or join the conversation on our Facebook Group.

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